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About Me

I just finished an intensive political campaign for the position of the mayor in Mühltal (I reached the runoff election and got 38 %). I have been a PostDoc at the University of Göttingen working with Preda Mihailescu. Before I was a PostDoc with Fabien Pazuki in Copenhagen and before that I did my PhD with Philipp Habegger at the University of Basel. You can find my CV here (not yet updated with the position at TU Darmstadt).

I currently am on the job market! Never ever again harrharr!

Seriously: The toxic research system* has lost me. Although I loved the hunt for the next high, research sometimes is a bit like a poisonous drug. So I switched sides and am now „Referentin für Internationales und Zulassung“ at the computer science department of TU Darmstadt (a permanent position and I can bike to work – and do not have to use ICE or plane).

* It’s not toxic because of the people – on the contrary: All of my colleagues know that I love the mathematical community and the people are the main reason I loved my job so much. It’s the temporary jobs, the need to have different jobs in different countries all the time, the big workload of applying all the time for the next position and the incompatibility of this career with the wish to arrange a (geographically) stable home for a family. I love you all, math community people!